Walk an extra mile to success
While still mindful of keeping COVID at bay, businesses like ours are putting away the masks and getting back to business again. Just as we followed our faith during the height of the pandemic, we can continue to find success in the pages of the Bible.
In his recent book “Well Done,” author and business coach Ken Gosnell discusses 12 biblical business principles to put you on the path to hearing the words “well done” at your workplace.
Biblical Business Principle #1: Take the Second Step
Everyone knows Chick-fil-A is a great success story. Gosnell shares a lesson from the company’s leader Dan Cathy (son of founder Truett Cathy) who says their restaurant chain is grounded in Matthew 5:41 (see verse below). In a magazine interview, Cathy once said, “We make sure the first mile is taken care of, and then we go beyond that to the second mile. We provide hostesses, carry trays if necessary, and have table tray liners. We’ve even gone so far as to change a tire for someone.”
Jesus taught the “second step” to his disciples as a way to separate them from others and be heard more clearly.
By seeking to provide more value to your customers, you and your business will become more valuable – just like Chick-fil-A and other companies following the Christian principle of the extra mile.
Blessed to be a Blessing,
Greg Syfan,
President, Syfan Logistics
“If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.”
Matthew 5:41