Dear Customers and Friends:
Next month, Syfan Logistics is putting on a fundraising event for a cause that is very personal to me and many others throughout our company and community. It’s a 5K and Fun Run in support of the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research.
If you’ve ever visited our offices in Gainesville, Ga., you can’t miss the big banner at our entrance that says, “Pray for Brecklynn.” That’s my granddaughter, a survivor of an extremely rare cancer that spread to her brain in 2015, when she was two years old.
Today, Brecklynn is cancer-free, but we still haven’t taken down that banner. It’s old and weathered, but every morning I drive by, it’s a fresh reminder of the thousands of people and prayers that saved the life of my precious princess warrior.
Recently, I had my own health scare with an elevated heart rate that led to a surgical procedure on my ticker. I’m fine now, but my own brush with mortality reinforced the reality of the fragile nature of our lives. Like they say, tomorrow is never promised.
Whether it’s our life or that of a friend or family member, all of us have faced scary moments. Sometimes we squeak by. Sadly, other times end in tragedy. But remember: Everyone will eventually be healed – some on Earth, the rest in heaven.
Experiencing AFib (Atrial Fibrillation) last month, I admit that negative thoughts popped into my mind about what could happen. What if I had a heart attack and died? But I quickly replaced each fearful feeling with a prayer to Jesus, trusting and thanking Him for a positive outcome.
And for those peaceful times of still waters, take time to appreciate your health, maybe do something to help others in need – like participating in our Syfan 5K run in support of kids with cancer.
Whatever it is, get out there and run like you mean it.
Blessed to be a Blessing,
Greg Syfan
President, Syfan Logistics
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
– 2 Timothy 4:7