Dear Customers and Friends,
Imagine a darkly grim movie plot about a world ruled by an all-knowing AI system. Humans have no choice but to do as they’re told, living within the prison of an unbending robot ruler who shows no mercy.
The pretense is that the world is much safer because nothing bad ever happens in the AI world. No one steps out of line or departs from the robot’s programming code.
Of course, the reality is that we don’t live in a science-fiction movie. In our lives, bad things do happen because we are imperfect and have the free will to make decisions for ourselves. God made us that way. It is a gift, not punishment, because He loves us for who we are.
I compare God’s love to the way in which we love a puppy. We love our little guy even when it chews up our shoes or wets the carpet. Would we still love that puppy if it never messed up the house and was programmed like a robot to be perfect? (How boring.)
God loves us in spite of our flaws and our tendencies to commit sin. He loves us so much that He has given us freedom – but that freedom comes with a responsibility. We should try to honor God by following His commandments from the Bible and doing good in this world, even though we likely will always come up short because of our imperfection.
Maybe that sounds sad and self-defeating. However, the irony is that sinful behavior, though committed freely, is more like the scary world that I described earlier in a movie plot where we’re nothing but slaves. The consequences of sin typically never make for a good movie ending.
Instead, let’s be thankful that we follow a living, loving God – and not some rigid AI-driven directive – and always strive to show appreciation through our good deeds, prayer and faithfulness.
Blessed to be a Blessing,
Greg Syfan
President, Syfan Logistics
“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”
Galatians 5:13