Choose to be a Peacemaker
Just when we were starting to get a handle on this terrible pandemic, along comes another crisis that has shaken and divided so many. The horrible death of George Floyd, repeatedly played out on television and social media, has fueled even more violence. Sadly, the voices of peaceful demonstrations have been drowned out by destruction and lawlessness in cities across the country.
Without our faith in God, it would be easy to throw up our hands in the face of such turmoil and simply give up on society and the inherent goodness of our fellow man. But that’s not who we are as Americans and Christians.
Let’s work together as peacemakers to turn the tide in the face of this earthly trial that we are living in now.
Blessed to be a Blessing,
Greg Syfan,
President, Syfan Logistics
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
Matthew 5:9
Choose to be a Peacemaker
It can be hard to hold back our emotions sometimes – especially when challenged in a difficult conversation, witnessing a questionable activity or responding to a controversial social media post.
Take a deep breath and think before reacting. In any confrontation, acting peacefully is most often the best solution. When in doubt, apply the Golden Rule and choose love over hate. A thoughtful approach is so much more important in this time of frustration over the pandemic and today’s ever-increasing negative environment of anger and division.
Seeking unity in your home and business is a good first step. Now, let’s go out and do the same in our communities, our churches, and throughout our great nation.