Personally, I’m ready for a new year after two surgeries in 2023.
Back in the spring, it was my heart, which was pumping too fast at times. So, I had cardiac ablation to restore a normal heartbeat.
Then, just as I was feeling better about myself, a skin cancer popped up on my leg. That required a procedure called Moh’s surgery to shave away layers
of skin just a few days before Christmas.
I may be getting older, but 2024 still feels like a new lease on life for me. It’s like when I hit the reset button on my computer to unlock a frozen screen and erase all the annoying glitches.
Our company, Syfan Logistics, has also faced challenges this past year. Inflation, high fuel prices and a tight job market took a toll on our revenues in the trucking and logistics industry. But like a reset button (and lots of faith over fear), we’re forging ahead in 2024 with newly renovated offices, additional team member hires, a new Savannah office, and a new LTL (Less Than Truckload) division.
In our personal lives, God’s forgiveness of our sins – no matter how far off course we are – allows us to refocus and start anew. Sometimes we forget this divine gift and beat up on ourselves. But like a baseball pitcher who has thrown a bad game, we can always put the past behind us and try again the next day – all because of God’s grace.
Never let your painful past blind you to a promising future. Look forward, learning from mistakes and praising God for bringing you through obstacles.
That same promise exists every day for each of us. Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution for 2024 or mentally hitting your reset button each morning, let’s all pledge to look forward with optimism and excitement this year. And do it with faith, never fear.
Blessed to be a Blessing,
Greg Syfan
President, Syfan Logistics
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:18-19