Brecklynn’s Miracle – Part 2
My daughter Courtney and her husband Zach shared their story last week of Brecklynn’s miracle and how their baby girl survived one of the world’s rarest and most aggressive cancers in children.
When I look into my healthy granddaughter’s eyes, I see God’s love. When I hug her, I feel the power of prayer and love from so many. Five years ago, as Brecklynn’s life hung in the balance from the cancer that had spread to her brain, a Facebook page was started to provide updates on her treatment. The messages of support we initially received from family and friends quickly spread to people all over the world – places as far away as Russia and China.
In one post, we saw Brecklynn’s name on a note placed within the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. We received over 40,000 Facebook followers who wanted to pray for her. Parents we’ll never know told us about their children whispering Brecklynn’s name in their bedtime prayers. Others told of praying for the first time.
In her brief life, Brecklynn has touched more hearts than anyone in our family ever will. In turn, it was those hearts that, I believe, God heard – and answered.
Blessed to be a Blessing,
Greg Syfan,
President, Syfan Logistics
Brecklynn’s Miracle – Part 2
By Courtney and Zach Allgood
We still can’t see how our daughter Brecklynn could become so sick with cancer. Or why she had to endure one of the most horrendous experiences imaginable.
We don’t understand any of it, but we don’t ask why anymore. We simply accept that God must have had a purpose in allowing her to live.
Throughout this ordeal, our faith in God could have gone either way. But early on, we chose to trust Him and let go. Like the words of the Serenity Prayer, we couldn’t change the circumstances, so we just put everything into God’s hands.
Before Brecklynn got cancer, I thought no one could love their children more than we loved ours. But this whole experience has taken our love to a whole new level. We soak up every moment with our family and are so much more thankful for every second.
Like my father says, Brecklynn has impacted people all over the world. She also has led us to become personally involved with the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research, an Atlanta-based non-profit that donates 93 cents of every dollar raised to cancer research and grants.
We also no longer worry or live our lives in fear. When we first heard of COVID-19, we had every reason to be afraid, especially with a child who is still immune- compromised. But because of Brecklynn, we’ve done social distancing and life in a bubble long before it was cool!
Faced with this pandemic, we’re smart about how we live. But we also continue to live our lives without so much concern for tomorrow, no matter what crisis is around the corner. Instead, we laugh, we sing, and we give praise. A little girl named Breckynn made sure of that.