"Syfan Says" Spring 2020
SPR I NG | 2020 SYFANLOGISTICS.COM SYFAN NAMED TO BOARD, Page 2 AJC TOP WORKPLACE, Page 2 LOCAL COLLEGE CURRICULUM, Page 3 SYFAN HONORS GOVERNOR, Page 3 TURBO INVENTORY, Page 4 INSIDE Greg Syfan, President HOPE FOR THE BEST, PREPARE FOR THE WORST At Syfan Logistics, we are taking on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak directly with a prudent and common sense approach to keep our team members, customers and community safe from the virus. Back in early March, as the coronavirus threat was increasing, we implemented a safety protocol for our team and took additional steps as a company to reduce the risk for customers and visitors to our headquarters. We originally were screening visitors but have now closed our entry gate and offices to anyone other than staff. Our professionals work in close quarters, so we have shifted those at highest risk of contracting the virus to their homes to work remotely. As an “Essential Business,” we continue to operate from our main office; however, with fewer on site, it allows us to spread out and observe social distancing along with healthy hygiene practices. In addition, a professional cleaning crew thoroughly disinfects all our high-touch areas three times a day. We also are encouraging self- temperature screenings and not allowing anyone to work at the office with a fever. We require the same for our truck drivers. If they have a fever or any other flu symptoms, we don’t dispatch them. In addition, we are requiring our drivers to stay inside their trucks for all pick-ups and deliveries in an effort to protect them as well as our shippers and receivers. The precautions extend to our outside sales team as well. A lot of our business is meeting customers face-to-face and taking part in conferences. However, we have now suspended all travel until this pandemic alert is over. IMPACT ON BUSINESS Some people have asked how this virus alert has affected our business. Initially, we saw a slight downturn as some shipments coming into U.S. ports were restricted. However, we’re most recently experiencing a slight uptick in activity, particularly with small package shipments as people are sending care packages of sanitizer, cleaning products and food products to friends and families. Our carriers also have partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta to help deliver COVID-19 test kits to hospitals across the United States. Moving forward, we are openly sharing information about our coronavirus protocol efforts with our customers and the public in hope of starting a dialogue that helps other companies enact procedures to avoid the virus and its spread. We would love for you to share with us what you are doing to help us improve our plan. Please feel free to email or call me with your ideas. See PREPARE, Page 3 Look for our weekly faith-inspiring messages in your inbox or email us if you would like to receive a copy. FAITH OVER FEAR
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